The Giants Had A – And I Cannot Stress This Enough – Massive-Ass Bunny Sitting In Their Stands Last Night
If you watched the Giants game last night, you may have noticed something as the camera panned the crowd: a giant-ass bunny.
Just Your Classic Story Of A College QB Forced To Apologize For Eating Sushi Off A Nude Model On A Reality TV Show
In probably one of the more obvious headliens you expected to see, UNLV’s quarterback is apologizing for eating sushi off a naked model on reality TV.
Apparently This Is A Model Of What Netflix Addicts Will Look Like In 20 Years
Ever wonder what netflix addicts will look like in 20 years? No? Me neither. But apparently someone did and had models made to show it off.
Ford Is Unveiling The New Bronco On July 9 And Whoops! That’s O.J. Simpson’s Birthday
In one of the dumbest or most brilliant marketing ploys of all time, Ford’s re-releasing the Bronco on July 9th, which happens to be OJ Simpson’s birthday.
In Typical 2020 Fashion, Turns Out We Read The Mayan Calendar Wrong. The World’s Ending This Week
In the biggest mistake of 2020 & quite possibly human civilization, conspiracy theorists miscalculated the Mayan calendar. The world’s ending this week.
17 Years Ago Today, Sammy Sosa Got Busted For Corking His Bat, What Happens Next Will Shock You
Remember when Sammy Sosa got busted for corking his bat? We do. Obviously. But it’s what happened AFTER that even that was so wild.
Coolest 5-Year-Old Alive Drives Mom’s Car Onto Highway Looking To Buy A Lamborghini
A 5-year-old kid in Utah stole his parents car and drove it onto the highway with one goal in mind: buy a lamborghini. For the $3 he had in his wallet.
Apparently Camping In Walt Disney World When It’s Closed Is Frowned Upon
A man was arrested for breaking into the abandoned Discovery Island at Disney World and camping there for a few days. Thou shall not trespass.
Wake Forest’s Video Introducing Their Head Coach Is The Most Dramatic And Exhilarating Film Ever
This might be the weirdest video you watch, but I assure you this, it will also be the most dramatic and exhillerating. Wake Forest has a new head coach.
Going… Going… Gaga!
Lady Gaga and Baseball mix about as well as oil and water. Find out what the outlandish singer did at her recent appearance at New York’s ball parks.