The Giants Had A – And I Cannot Stress This Enough – Massive-Ass Bunny Sitting In Their Stands Last Night
Remember when people used to bring their baseball gloves to games? Can we go back to those days? Not sure I want to turn the bleachers at a ball game into a petting zoo.
Don’t get me wrong, I love animals. I also love baseball. I don’t feel the need to intersect the two like they did in San Francisco last night. Especially with a bunny the size of Snuffleupagus. I’ve seen guys in Bugs Bunny costumes at Six Flags that weren’t as big as that bunny. Like WTF?! How the hell did that bunny make it through the gate? Not because bunnies aren’t allowed at baseball games, I’m talking physically, how the hell did that bunny make it through the gate?
I also love how this is just a normal thing. Look, San Francisco is an amazing city. But it’s also weird as hell. How do I know? There’s a damn bunny at this baseball game!
Apparently the bunny is a “therapy bunny” named Alex which might be the most San Francisco phrase I’ve ever typed.
The bunny has attended a NASCAR event and is even an ambassador for Lions Clubs International. Alex helped hand out 400 Easter eggs to children, brings smiles and loves to play, even giving kisses on command. He entertains the masses at farmers markets, has been tubing at Lake Tahoe and has even gone kayaking.
“We actually bring him everywhere,” Kato said. “He brings joy to everybody. He brings joy to us.”
Why in the hell has this bunny lived a more adventurous life than me?
But also, imagine inviting this couple over for dinner and they bring their damn bunny. I’d like to hear from the dinner party hosts to see if that bunny really brings joy to “everybody.” Anyway, I don’t mean to harp on this couple and their bunny. It’s just weird as hell.