Question For The NFL: How Exactly Do You Suspend A Retired Guy?
Antonio Brown has been suspended by the NFL for EIGHT games. But jokes on the NFL, he’s retired. Or is he? Honestly, we’re not sure anymore.
Antonio Brown has been suspended by the NFL for EIGHT games. But jokes on the NFL, he’s retired. Or is he? Honestly, we’re not sure anymore.
Read the room, Subway. Now’s not the time to unveil a new trash-ass sandwich. Especially a boneless fake rib meat sandwich, you ghouls!
We were so close – SO CLOSE – to getting the Pittsburgh Blue Jays, which would’ve been awesome. Unfortanately now, all we have are the memories.
Antonio Brown is retiring. Again. Before he comes back out of retirement, let’s relive some of the top memories of his insanely complicated career.
NASCAR’s All-Star Race (which apparently is a thing) is happening this week. Nevermind the fact they’re opening up to fans, they’re doing so SANS tickets.
As if quarantine hasn’t been hard enough, Reggie Wayne made it a lot harder for Detroit Lions fans byt dropping a story about choosing not to play there.
WHAT WAS IN THE ENVELOP, JAMES HARRISON?! We have a few ideas and we listed them all out. This is a very serious post, you guys.
A woman in South Carolina was recently killed by an alligator (RIP) and while being eaten by the gator, calmly said, “I guess I won’t do this again.”
Scrolling through Instagram can be mundane these days, especially with nothing else… until you come across an ad for guys cutting up Bills field turf!