First A Global Pandemic, Now A Subway BBQ Rib Sandwich?
As if 2020 couldn’t get any worse, Subway (Eat Fresh) has decided to resurrect it’s BBQ Rib Sandwich.

If that isn’t the saddest looking sandwich you’ve ever seen, then consider me Miles Davis. The bread looks like it’s been sitting out for 3 weeks. Forget your teeth, you could probably break a window with that loaf. And I feel bad for that lettuce, because that’s the best looking thing on there. Even the pickles are screaming “GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!” The idea of pork formed into the shape of a rib to get that summertime feel is repulsive to me. Consider me in the 1% of the population that doesn’t even like bone-in ribs, let alone boneless ribs on a FREAKING SUBWAY SANDWICH!!!
After some deeper research into the BBQ Rib Sandwich at Subway, I was able to uncover that this is neither the first nor the second time that Subway has introduced (and re-introduced) the BBQ Rib. The BBQ Rib made its grand entrance in 1999, then again in 2011, and oh wait, then again in 2018. Luckily for us, they decided to release it again, here in 2020. Perhaps the BBQ Rib is what the American people needed during these trying times?
Subway is in a constant “Keeping up with Joneses” with McDonald’s. People absolutely go nuts for the McRib when it’s available and maybe this strategy works for Subway too. Personally, I avoid Subway like the plague (geez, maybe too soon?), even the smell of walking past a store makes my nose curl up.
Perhaps the fine folks at Subway can get the Watt family to peddle the BBQ Rib Sandwich. We all know how that worked out for them.
Or maybe Bill Belichick?

All this to say, I wouldn’t feed Subway’s new BBQ Rib Sandwich to my dog. Even though it’s probably made from dog food.