Manning Family Puts Eli Up For Adoption
After his poor performance this season, the Manning family decides to give up Eli for adoption.
After his poor performance this season, the Manning family decides to give up Eli for adoption.
Each week, Korked Bats brings you a look alike from the wide world of sports. Today’s look alike includes youngest brother to Cooper and New York Giants quarterback, Eli Manning.
After fumbling twice in the season opener, New York Giants running back David Wilson has gone missing.
The Ladies Room has conducted a few ideas for other Tim Tebow inspired Sandwiches. Carnegie Deli, take notice. She has some good ones.
Each week, Korked Bats brings you a look alike from the wide world of sports. Today’s look alike includes the New York Giants head coach, Tom Coughlin.
In honor of Oscar week, we take a stroll back through all time great athlete performances. Flops, falls, crying and all around debauchery.
We have an exclusive shot of the Super Bowl’s dirtiest play. It might surprise you,
We recap Super Bowl XLVI with exclusive pictures and “sounds” from the big game.
So, The Ladies Room writer, Erin, made a few mistakes at her Super Bowl party this year. Allow her to help you.
Who is the better Manning brother? This question has been around for years. Finally, we decided to put the analytical data into your hand to allow you to decide for yourself.
Let’s face it, women like hard bods. Let’s also face the fact that most of us men don’t have hard bods. Those are reserved for star athletes. Or are they?
Time flies when you’re having fun. And football season is lots of fun! Watch time fly before your eyes in this new video made last week.