UPDATE: A-Rod Is Still Hung Up On J-Lo, Poses With The Red Porsche He Gifted Her
A-Rod still isn’t over J-Lo. How do I know? Because now he’s posting photos of himself with the gift he got here: a red Porsche.
That Funny Sports Blog
A-Rod still isn’t over J-Lo. How do I know? Because now he’s posting photos of himself with the gift he got here: a red Porsche.
Ben Affleck was photographed leaving Jennifer Lopez’s house making the most satisfied face of all time. He knows we know. He wants us to know.
A-Rod is down bad after J-Lo broke up with him last month and let’s check in on him once more and oh yeah, still down bad. Reeeeal bad.
A lot of people have been knocking Alex Rodriguez for his commentating ability of ESPN’s Sunday Night Baseball, so here’s a defense for him.
The Indianapolis Colts are terrible. So The Ladies Room comes up with a team of replacement players for them that could probably win more games. And yes, they’re all women.
Tiger Woods broke up with his caddy. But don’t be surprised for two reasons. Tiger has been playing terrible lately and it’s the season for break ups.