A Recap of The Bachelor From A Guy – Season Finale Part 1
Questions of the Week
Each week, I’ll answer some questions about that week’s episode.
Who Won The Night?
Peter’s horny little brother
This kid is so damn horny. Peter’s trying to figure out which woman he’s going to spend the rest of his life with, and he’s like, “Did you get to second base with any of them?” If he didn’t look exactly like Peter, I’d swear he was plucked right off a casting pile for the next American Pie movie.
Who gets my rose this week?
Finally, this girl up and bounced. Like two episodes too late, but as I’ve learned from being married for many years, women tend to be late.
Did Hannah B. show up in this episode?
No, but she did get a shout out from Barb. Freaking Barb.
What is your prediction for next week based on the trailer?
Oh, gosh. I don’t know. I had a theory that Kelley shows back up (which is why she wasn’t at Women Tell All) that I was pretty stoked about, but I don’t think that’s the case anymore. We do know Barb is back and crying even harder than ever before.

For goodness sake, Barb.
I have a strong feeling he’s not going to pick anyone and Part 2 (Tuesday night) is just going to be one giant waste of time. I hope this show hasn’t gotten so self aware to where they’re like, “We’ll let YOU decide the fate of Peter” and then they never tell us the true ending.
Also, one last important question…
Until next week… Buh-bye (PP).
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