A Recap of The Bachelor From A Guy – Season Finale Part 1
Hannah Ann Meets Peter’s Family
Hannah Ann and Peter walk in to meet Peter’s family and you could just tell there was a strong connection there. Pure love. An arousing attraction unmatched with anyone on the show.
Not between Peter and Hannah Ann. I’m talking about Barb and Hannah Ann.
After sitting down for no more than 50 seconds, Barb turns to Peter’s dad and says, “I see me and you in them,” which tells us how confidently Barb thinks of herself. I think I’m starting to see where her son gets falling for women so fast from.
Barb then pulls Hannah Ann aside to interrogate, err talk to her. She gives her the spiel about how she wants Peter to marry someone who will love him with “all of her heart.” And this might come as a surprise, but Hannah Ann began to cry. She starts to question whether or not Peter loves her back. Yeah, he does, Hannah Ann, but more of “in a backup plan” kind of way.
Later, Pete’s first baseman father pulled Hannah Ann aside. He asks her the important questions like, “do you believe in love at first sight?” Hannah Ann said absolutely, and told him, “It was love at first sight” with Peter. Uhhh, yeah. Because their “first sight” was during filming of a reality TV dating show. I would never buy a Chevy Cruze, but if I was offered one on Price Is Right, you know for damn sure I’m driving that bad boy home.
Peter’s cleanup hitting father then said he could see what a genuine person Hannah Ann was. Why do I feel like Peter’s dad is one of those people who would sign up for a time share in Boca Raton in just one meeting?
Look, this isn’t a knock on Hannah Ann. She’s a totes babe. Super sweet. She’s from Knoxville, which I will try not to hold against her, but she’s great. If I sound annoyed, I think I’m just genuinely overall annoyed with this season. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been wild. But Peter is a doofus, and it appears his family has passed that doofus DNA down to him.
Hannah Ann leaves but not before Barb hugs her, grabs her by the elbows, and tells her she feels like she’s known her all her life. Play it cool, Barb. Jeeze. She still has to accept the rose if Peter offers it to her.
After HA leaves, Peter sits down with his totally normal family. Peter’s Gold Glove-winning father asks him if he’s leaning one way or the other. Peter pauses for an uncomfortable amount of time. “I see what I have with Hannah Ann, but my heart is with Madi as well,” he says. He tells them that Hannah Ann makes it easy for him, but Madison makes it not so easy. Which makes sense why Peter is so torn here, because given everything we know about him, if two roads divulge in the woods, he’s taking the one flooded with tears.
Peter then starts to break down, “I don’t know how I’m going to do this.” His lip was quivering worse than Kelsey after someone pops her champagne. Peter’s dad says, “It’ll come. You know we only love you, bud, and we only want the best for you, but this is a big decision.” Yeah, WE KNOW, DAD!

You know what they say: the family that cries together, drowns together.
Click the right arrow for Madison meeting Peter’s family…
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