A Recap of The Bachelor From A Guy – Season Finale Part 1

I thought we’d never make it to the end, but here we are, still not at the end. ABC hits us with night one of the TWO-NIGHT television event, as if we have nothing going on this week. I mean, bad enough they took up two of my nights last week with The Bachelor Women Tell All AND Volcano Live with Nik Wallenda, but now you’re doing it to me again? Sheesh.
Look, I don’t want to waste any more of your time like ABC does with mine, so let’s just get into it.
This episode took us to Alice Springs, which at first, I thought was just another girl from this season considering we’ve had a Tammy, a Maurissa, two Victoria’s, and freaking Eunice. An Alice would’ve fit in just nice with the rest of these nursing home names. But in fact Alice Springs is in the Northern Territory in Australia. If you’re curious as to what it looked like, just imagine the set of The Martian but with wildlife.

Upon arriving to Alice Springs, Peter sits down with his family who is there, because if you remember back to Peter and Chris Harrison crashing Bachelor watch parties, Peter’s mom and dad apparently go everywhere with him.

His mom, Barb, you probably know from crying in every promo this season, and his dad you probably know from looking like every baseball player in the 1980’s. What team did he play for? My guess is the Padres.

Oh, and Peter’s younger brother was there too. We’ll get to him in a bit.
So Peter sits down with his family and tells them he is down to two women. Barb asks if both women have said “I love you” yet, and Peter explains Hannah Ann said it right away, but it’s been more of a slow burn for Madison, a woman on this show who actually has morals. This does not sit well with the family, but they let it slide for now.
Click the right arrow for Hannah Ann meeting Peter’s family…
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