Monday, March 17, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

A Recap Of The Bachelorette From A Guy – Episode 6

Cocktail Party

Later that night at the Cocktail party, Chasen decided to squash his beef with Ed in front of the rest of the guys. Before Tayshia arrived, he got all the guys attention and attempted to apologize to Ed, but did so by saying, “I did use one adjective to describe [both] Clare and Tayshia.” He added, “And my new word: She’s a smokeshow. Tayshia’s a smokeshow.”

And there it is. My point has been made for me. Chasen isn’t fake or phony. He just lacks a good vocabulary. The guy has clearly cracked more MAXIMs than thesauruses. (Or is it thesauri?)

Lol, he called her a smokeshow. For the record: our sources can confirm that Tayshia is, indeed, a smokeshow. But you probably shouldn’t verbalize that outside of a the Sigma Chi house. Especially not on a reality dating show on primetime network television. But to each their own, I guess.

Even Kenny The Boy Band Manager wouldn’t pull that move. How do I know? Because this is the face he made after it happened.

Bachelorette frame grab

The rest of the cocktail party was pretty lame. Joe and Tayshia ate noodles, one guy ate popsicles with her, DeMar read her a poem, and Bennett (lol, Bennett) set up a cardboard Eiffel Tower and said it was a European vacation. I think he was just trying to be cute, but based off his answers in the Grown Ass Man Challenge, he might have actually thought they were in Europe.

And then Ed sat down with her.

Before I get into Ed’s time with Tayshia, I have to get something off my chest… Ed looks like if Jack Antonoff worked out.

Bachelorette frame grab
Taylor Swift producer Jack Antonoff: 'I'm drawn to female artists who are  brutally honest' | Music | The Guardian

Ok, there. I’m sorry. It just had to be said. Both guys seem to be super annoying, but we can get into that at a later time.

Ed pulls Tayshia aside and immediately starts ratting on Chasen again. “He stood over me in an intimidating fashion! He yelled at me! Someday, I’ll be living in a big ol’ city working on albums with Taylor Swift, and all he’ll ever be is mean!”

This naturally leads Tayshia to go back to Chasen to confront him on these latest accusations. And in doing so for the second time in a day, she kinda scolds him. “It’s not a good look, Chasen!” and “This stuff is so petty to me.” Notice she didn’t scold Ed for constantly bringing their drama to her. That’s because Chasen is hotter than Ed, so she’s more disappointed in Chasen for getting wrapped up in this drama.

Long story short, Ed is kind of a douche. He should just go back to dating Lena Dunham.

After getting yelled at by Tayshia, Chasen walks back to the guys with his tail between his legs and asks Ed to speak to him in private. He pulls him aside and asks for his forgiveness for being “overly aggressive.” Ed doesn’t exactly accept the apology. Why? Because despite the name of his band, he doesn’t like to have FUN.

Rose Ceremony

Gotta love the mid-episode Rose ceremony. It’s so exhilarating, because guys you got to know and love during the first hour could be gone for the second. Let’s find out who got roses…

  • Zac
  • Riley
  • Kenny
  • Ben
  • Demar
  • Bennett (lol, Bennett)
  • Spencer
  • Jordan
  • Noah
  • Joe
  • Blake
  • Ed (*gasp*)


  • Chasen (*double gasp*)

The last two definitely felt like they were producer picks to keep the drama going, because there’s no chance Tayshia is actually into Ed. Chasen, sure, but Ed? Not a chance.

Click the right arrow for the MMA group date & Questions of the Week…


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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