Saturday, February 8, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

You Probably Didn’t Know This, But It’s Election Day. Let’s Throw It Back To When Griffey Ran For President

Ahhh, simpler times when all candidates argued over was who could hit a hanging slider better. Take me back. When no one said “stick to sports” (either seriously or ironically). When the greatest baseball player of all time was the center of one of the most elaborate fake-presidential marketing campaigns for a shoe company. Back when most of us weren’t even old enough to vote. And some of us weren’t even born yet. But had we been legal, we would’ve told Bill Clinton to kick rocks. We would’ve told Bob Dole to beat it. Hey Ross Perot, you can suck it! Our vote would’ve gone to The Kid… George Kenneth Griffey Jr.

Could you imagine these ads running today? Actually, don’t even think about it. Just sit back and enjoy these. Because they’re hilariously creative and well done. And Griffey would be one of the most noble people to ever grace the oval office. The most controversial thing he’d do is rock his lid backwards. But no one would get on him about it, because everyone loves The Kid. Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, ESPN, EVERYONE! He’d be the only candidate in our nation’s history to win all 538 Electoral College votes, and he didn’t even go to college!

Even Lil’ Penny got into the fray.

Just always remember, a vote for Griffey is a vote for pepper.

Serious note: whatever happens today, half the country is going to be pissed. Just be nice to people, no matter how they vote. Be extra kind. Don’t judge others. And no matter how you vote, don’t make it your identity. We’re a better country than wrapping ourselves in with who we vote for. Unless that person is Ken Griffey Jr. Then by all means, wrap away.


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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