What Exactly Was Clint Eastwood Looking At?
At the 2020 Pebble Beach Pro-Am on CBS today, Jim Nantz and the boys welcomed on everyone’s favorite really old actor, 89-year-old Clint Eastwood.
However, shortly into his time on set, you could quickly tell Clint Eastwood wasn’t all there. And by “wasn’t all there,” I mean he wasn’t there at all.
What the hell is going on here? What is Clint looking at? What is he thinking about? Is he thinking at all?
• Clint Eastwood keeps hearing all this talk about birdies even though he can’t find any.
• his background as a director in Hollywood has him mesmerized with the lights on set.
• when you think you hear the chair talking back to you
• Clint sees a light at the end of the tunnel. Just walk to towards the light, Clint… just walk towards the lig—*gets interrupted by Jim Nantz*
• the only thing higher than Clint’s pants in this shot is him
• trying to figure out who put his belt on and why they put it on so crooked
• when the Metamucil hits
• we all take naps while we watch golf, maybe that’s just what Clint was doing
• wondering why he agreed to make The Mule
• trying to figure out why a cartoon band would name a song after you
• trying to figure out why a cartoon band would name a song after you when it has absolutely nothing to do with you
• when you’re sitting at the Applebee’s bar and rhythmic gymnastics comes on the TV
• more like Clint Northwatch, amirite?!
• Clint is high enough to smell math
• Clint has no idea how headsets work and cannot figure out for the life of him where those voices in his head are coming from. “God?!” he wonders.
• Wanna feel old? This is Eminem today.
Not sure what exactly is up with our guy, Clint. But hopefully he snaps out of it in time to star in another movie that revolves around an old man who is set in his ways and unwilling to change until maybe the very end of the film.