VIDEO: A Breakdown of That Rams-Chargers Fan Brawl
COVID took a lot of things away from us, as we all know. One of which was fans in stadiums, which in turn, took the greatness of fans fighting each other. مواقع مراهنات رياضية Sure, we couldn’t go to concerts and other cool stuff, but not seeing drunk people fist fight in section 317 was the real loss from the pandemic. But now that we’ve got stadiums filling back up, we’re getting fights. A lot of fights. Almost too many fights. All of a sudden sporting events have become the octagon. And last weekend, we were gifted with an all-time brawl that I had to break down. Yes, I know it’s been a while since I’ve done a breakdown video. شراء يانصيب اون لاين This is my first since Julio Jones touched down in Nashville. But I decided to get back on the horse ahead of football season kicking off. So my apologies if I’m a bit rusty, but just understand, this is my preseason too. لعبة الروليت مجانا I need to dust off my cobwebs ahead of Derrick Henry and the unthinkable things he will do to defenders this season. So enjoy this.
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