Two-Month MLB Seasons Are The Best Thing To Happen To Baseball Since Pine Tar

My whole life I’ve heard about how baseball is losing a younger generation of fans. There’s a million reasons why, and we’ve all heard the reasons, so I won’t reiterate.
However, this season has opened my eyes to a new problem. It isn’t the game, it’s the season. 162 games is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long for millennials, zoomers, and younger. In a world where kids are bombarded by TikTok videos, and Snapchat stories lasting no longer than 15 seconds, how are you going to expect them to pay attention every day for a 7 month span? Short answer, they won’t.
Ok, zoomer.
I know the blood pressure of baseball purists are spiking as they lose their minds at the idea of shortening the season (It’s tradition, what about the stats, it’s against the unwritten rules, blah blah blah), and the owners will never agree to something that will lower profits, but just think about this season. Every game matters. Like the All-Star games of past: This time it counts. And because of that there’s more interest. It’s a simple principle found in economics, scarcity drives up value. It’s part of the reason why NFL games get such high viewership. When there’s less games, there’s more at stake and more reason to watch.
I know it will never happen, but this shorten baseball season has been one of my favorites of all time. Here’s the main reason why: usually when the season is a month and a half in, I get bored, and start dreaming of football to return. This season however, we’re a month and a half in, and we’re smack dab in September baseball, where games are deciding who makes it to the playoffs.
Baseball will never shorten its season again because money is king, but it truly is the only way to keep the attention of a generation defined by ADHD. Pretty sad when profits are more important than saving the sport, but hey, that’s the world we live in. Those Harper contracts aren’t going to pay for themselves.