Today Is The Anniversary of The Greatest Moment In The History of Baseball
With a headline like that, you’re probably wondering… what could possibly be the greatest moment in the entire history of baseball? Lou Gerhig’s “Luckiest Man” speech? Hank Aaron passing the Babe in home runs? Smalls getting that 1927 Yankees autographed baseball from James Earl Jones after getting him and in his friends in the biggest pickle of their lives? No, no and of course not – that last one was from a fictional movie.
No, the greatest moment in the history of the sport came on May 7th, 2016.
The announcer even undersold it as “one of the great moments in baseball history.” I’m sorry, one of? Name a better one. You can’t. Thus making it THE greatest moment in baseball history.
This video has six “dislikes” on YouTube. Who the hell dislikes this video? Is that just all six Padres fans banning together on this one?
A lot of people think the greatest pitcher of our generation is Clayton Kershaw, maybe Jacob DeGrom, or even Randy Johnson (screw YOU if you think that), but all those would be wrong. Because the greatest pitcher of our generation… actually, scratch that. The greatest baseball player of our generation… wait, scratch that too. The greatest athlete of our generation is Bartolo Colon. And the fact that we got to witness him go yard might be the greatest accomplishment of my life. I’m married, I just started a new job in Chicago on a radio show with my name on it, this website was once recognized as the Site of the Day on ESPN by Colin Cowherd and Michelle Beadle, and yet watching Big Sexy hit a big fly at Petco remains the greatest accomplishment in my life.
Thank you, Bartolo. We love you.