The Theme Song For This Drive-Thru Dinosaur Park Might Be The Best Song Of The Year
Good luck not singing this jam for the rest of your day.
You may think this song sucks, but that’s only because you don’t appreciate good music. Or lyrics.
“Colossal, fantastic, dinosaurs is jurassic!”
What’s the only thing better than driving through a parking lot full of fake animatronic dinosaurs? How about a pop music banger to go with it? The song was apparently made by Joe Johnson, and you can actually download it here… but don’t all go at once, I don’t want to crash the site. I mean, try and name an artist who can hit the notes at the 2:01 mark better than Joe. You can’t.
Not saying Korked Bats is becoming the next PitchFork, but we’ve been delivering some of the best (or worst) music to you pretty consistently lately. Remember when we crowned the official song of the summer with Big Boy Grillin’ On The Roof? I still find myself singing that from time to time. That song will always slap. And then this fall, we hit you with that song from Vin Diesel (and Kygo) that was so bad that it was good. I may or may not have that jam on a playlist or two. And now? From the most unexpected of sources, we’re hit with this diddy from Jurassic Quest Drive-Thru, the traveling dinosaur park.
“Jurassic, jurrasic, jurrasic queeeeeeeeeeeeeest!”
Say what you will about this song, but it’s a certified banger. It honestly feels like Joe Johnson put in more work producing this anthem, then Jurassic Quest Drive-Thru put into the actual drive-thru dinosaurs.
Shout out to @TexasTrevor for the heads up by tweeting this diddy to @korkedbats.