The NFL’s COVID Outbreak And Other Diseases The Vikings Definitely Spread
I’m not one to place blame, but hear me out. How many diseases have the Vikings introduced into the world historically?
The first major pandemic occurring in the time of the Vikings (barely) was the Justinian plague. Some historians believe the plague of Justinian resulted in the deaths of an estimated 25–50 million people during the two centuries of its multiple recurrences, a death toll equivalent to 13–26% of the world’s population at the time of the first outbreak. The Justinian plague petered out in ca. AD 750, just before the Vikings raided England and Western Europe began, but not before the Vikings began roaming the Baltic Sea.
via this website
“Gee, grit, I havent heard of the Justinian plague. Is there another one I might register that the Vikings were responsible for?”
Glad you asked, hypothetical voice in my head, have you heard of smallpox?
Professor Eske Willerslev, of St John’s College, University of Cambridge, and director of The Lundbeck Foundation GeoGenetics Centre, University of Copenhagen, led the study.
He said: “We discovered new strains of smallpox in the teeth of Viking skeletons and found their genetic structure is different to the modern smallpox virus eradicated in the 20th century. We already knew Vikings were moving around Europe and beyond, and we now know they had smallpox. People travelling around the world quickly spread Covid-19 and it is likely Vikings spread smallpox. Just back then, they travelled by ship rather than by plane.
via this website
I’m not saying we should sharpen the pitchforks and light the torches yet, but this historical record of recklessly spreading disease must be in the forefront of the investigation.