The Junk Drawer: Derrick Henry Is A Man Beast, A Halloween Costume Draft, & Let’s Talk About The NLCS Bet
We got a brand new Junk Drawer this week, and as the name suggests, the theme of this week’s episode is how depressing sports can be. Especially for Grit, who’s Braves not only lost the NLCS in seven games, but who he, himself, lost the podcast’s NLCS bet. Meaning he now has to pay up. The boys talk about the NLCS as a whole, and how both sides knew a devastating loss was coming for one of them. And sure enough, it did.
Plus, some other random topics like: love for Derrick Henry (of course), the plot to Space Jam 2, would you rather fight a kangaroo or an ostrich, dumb 2-point conversions in football, a draft for Halloween costumes, and a ton more.
To listen on Apple Podcasts, click here.
EP23: Sports Are So Depressing | RUNDOWN:
3:17 – A.D.’s Trip To The Steelers-Browns Game
10:19 – The Good, The Back, & The Ugly – A.D.
22:30 – The Good, The Back, & The Ugly – Grit
38:43 – The Good, The Back, & The Ugly – Austin
1:01:13 – COFFEE BREAK
1:02:04 – FRANK FACT
1:04:04 – 3 For 3: NFL Picks
1:14:18 – Would You Rather Fight A Kangaroo or Ostrich?
1:19:29 – DRAFTOBER: 2020 Halloween Costumes