Saturday, February 15, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

The Ball Brothers Had A Night: LaMelo Was Drafted 3rd Overall & Lonzo Was On ‘The Masked Singer?’

It’s not everyday you get to experience a life-changing moment. It’s also not everyday you get to share a life changing-moment on the same day as your brother. On a random Wednesday in November 2020, the Ball brothers did JUST that.

The youngest Ball brother, LaMelo, was drafted 3rd overall by the Charlotte Hornets. It’s got to be a shitty feeling when you’ve been hyped up by your own father since you were basically in diapers as being the undisputed number 1 overall pick of your draft. Even worse, the owner of the team that drafted your son was the same person LaVar Ball said he could beat 1-on-1 back in the day.

It’s hard to believe that we are still talking about the Ball family. Remember when LaVar Ball, the patriarch of the family, seemed to be on ESPN every day? After Lonzo got traded from the Lakers and the dust settled, it seemed that the Ball family had exited the limelight and everyone finally stopped caring what LaVar said.

But LaMelo wasn’t the only Ball brother having the biggest night of his career.

Apparently, Lonzo Ball was “unmasked” on The Masked Singer. Whatever the hell that means? I guess that means he lost? Can Lonzo sing? Aren’t we all supposed to be wearing masks? What kind of message is this show sending? For his sake, I’m just going to assume he won, giving him the only thing he’ll win in his career.

Also… WHY DID IT TAKE NICK CANNON SO LONG TO TAKE OFF HIS MASK? Was it glued on? Why do some mascot heads pop off during back flips, but this one needed Nick Cannon and his 185 bench press max strength to pull it off.

I like to imagine LaVar Ball orchestrated this entirely. I can picture him in the Big Baller HQ with a dual TV set up: the draft on one TV and The Masked Singer on the other. Does Big Baller Brand still exist? Would this have a positive impact on BBB operations? Can I buy BBB stock? Let’s ask Google.

Oh dammit. I guess 2020 has been ridiculously good for the Ball family: LaMelo gets drafted, Lonzo gets unmasked, that third brother probably did something, and the BBB website is back. So I guess BBB is back, baby?

Speaking of Balls… get 20% OFF and. FREE SHIPPING at MANSCAPED (for great men’s grooming. gifts), use promo code KORKED at checkout or visit this link


A.D. is a Steelers season ticket holder and remembers when Wiz Khalifa was good. He hails from Pitt(sburgh), and has swam in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.


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