Friday, September 13, 2024

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

The 2023 Tommy Awards: Best Movie Nominees

This is it! This is the BIG ONE. The category of categories. The following films are our nominees for the best films of the year.

What a remarkable year for film! If it wasn’t for movies, we simply would not have a podcast. Be sure to be on the lookout in the next few days for your chance to VOTE on the Tommy Awards!

And the nominees are….



Past Lives

Killers of the Flower Moon

The Iron Claw

Poor Things


The Holdovers

What do you think of this year’s nominees for Best MOVIE? Is there anyone you think we missed? Be sure to holler at us on Twitter (@korkedbats@thecineboiz) and Instagram (@korkedbats@thecineboiz)

Also, be sure to follow Korked Bats on YouTube and subscribe to The CineBoiz Podcast wherever podcasts are found!

You can watch the MOVIE Nomination episode here:


Kenny lives in Austin, TX and is one of the co-hosts of the CineBoiz Podcast. When he isn’t talking about or watching movies he can be found kicking it with Mickie the Dog and re-watching the Kansas City Chiefs win Super Bowl 54 for the 25th time.
