Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Texas And Oklahoma Are The Absolute Worst, But Mostly Texas

Welp, here we go.

Remember around ten years ago when Nebraska and Colorado bolted the Big 12 for the Big Ten and Pac-10 respectively? And then shortly after Mizzou and A&M bolted for the SEC? They did it because even though the conference had a commissioner, it wasn’t run by a commissioner. It was run by two programs – albeit the most successful programs at the time – Texas and Oklahoma. The conference catered to their every need, and on top of that, did not implement a revenue share within the conference because Texas and Oklahoma didn’t want to. A revenue share is very common for most successful conferences… like, oh look at that, the SEC. So schools jumped ship. Now fast forward ten years later, those two schools who were responsible for the crippling of the Big 12 are holding smothering a pillow over the conference’s face to finish the job. What a bunch of tools. This conference catered to their every need for decades, screwing over the other members of the conference just to keep them happy, and then they do the conference like this. They’re the Veruca Salt of college football. Texas probably more so than Oklahoma, because they still thinks they’re good at football and basketball. LONGHORN NATION, WE’RE BAAAACK!

If you’re the SEC, do you really want these two headaches in your conference? Sure you get some extra cash, but do you need it? (Lol, I recognize the absurdity of that question, but hear me out.) The conference is thriving and projecting upwards every year without them. Adding these divas may give you monetary gain, but when they abruptly learn they’re no longer the belle at the ball in the SEC like they were in the Big 2 Big 12, who’s to say they don’t threaten to leave again? Plus, have you ever met a Longhorn fan and/or anyone from Texas? I rest my case.

And it’s not like Texas brings a lot to the football table. This program has essentially been Iowa State with more nationally televised games over the past decade. That’s not a joke, either. Check it out. Texas has 8 bowl appearances, Iowa State has 6. Texas is on their 4th head coach in the last decade, the Cyclones are only on their 2nd. Both lost to Oklahoma in a conference championship. And their highest finish to a season was ranked 9th. The only difference is, Iowa State doesn’t think they’re Alabama. But hey, Texas sells a lot of merch at DICK’S, so national brand! I guess?

Texas and OU have proved nothing more than the fact that they are extremely self-centered, and now they’re joining a league that couldn’t be more family-oriented. Something’s gonna have to give. If one bad apple makes the whole batch go bad, imagine what two of them can do. I hope it doesn’t, but it’s hard to think this transition will be a smooth one. On both sides.

The Big 8 Conference was dissolved in ’96 to allow Texas and the other Texas schools in. Then Texas got hella fat and are now destroying the conference that let them in. I doubt that will happen here with the SEC, because this conference is already bigger than every member within it (except maybe Alabama), but it’ll be interesting to see how these two doofuses, Texas and OU, will try to get their own way in a league that doesn’t run that way. Just don’t expect the SEC to penalize the horns down gesture.

The deal isn’t “expected” to start before 2025 (it will) because that’s when Texas and OU’s deal with the Big 12 expires, but SEC fans, go ahead and started searching your cable guide for Longhorn Network now because by the time you find that shitty cable network, this transition will be finalized.


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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