Friday Fun Friday Fun June 18, 2010November 4, 2022 Austin It’s Friday. Let’s have some fun. If you’re like us, you enjoy video games and violins. Well, in honor of both, enjoy this video we found for you.
Friday Fun More Friday Fun May 21, 2010 Austin Why do work on a Friday? It’s practically the weekend! Instead, enjoy this video of Justin Bieber walking into a glass door!
All Sports Facebook Fail April 26, 2010 Austin Facebook apparently doesn’t know much about the sports world, using the NHL as a favorite website of causal internet surfers.
Friday Fun Friday Fun March 19, 2010 Austin It’s Friday. Which means, if you’re not goofing off, then you’re not obeying the rules of Friday. Watch this video, and in doing so, you’ll be goofing off.
Nothing to do with sports Holding Down the Fort March 7, 2010 Chip Chip starts his mini-series of posts about life in a college town during the week of Spring Break.
Friday Fun Nothing to do with sports Friday Fun February 5, 2010 Austin It’s Friday. A day of skipping class and goofing off at work. So kick back and enjoy this fun video… It’s Friday.