Saturday, March 1, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

St. Louis Has Already Deemed Adam Wainwright The Most “Universally Liked” Broadcaster Of All Time After 2 Games

There may never have been – nor will there be again – a TV baseball broadcaster that’s more universally liked, appreciated and celebrated like Waino has been the past few days. He worked the booth with ex-big leaguer AJ Pierzynski (who was his Cardinals teammate in 2014) and Fox’s Adam Amin.

via KMOX

St. Louis, what are you doing?

Let me start this by saying that I love St. Louis. My wife is from there (Westminster Christian Academy). I lived there for three years. It’s a great sports town. This blog creates a lot of St. Louis eccentric content from Nolan Arenado, to Win Streak Reactions, to the freaking T-Rav Tasters. Plus, this blog might be the biggest LARS NOOTBAAR blog on the entire web. Our guy Sales Guy Jeff is a St. Louis diehard, born and bred (Clayton High School). There is a lot of good about St. Louis. However, one thing you will learn about St. Louis is that they love themselves some St. Louis. Almost to a fault. Case in point with this article.

St. Louis is a baseball-rich city that knows the game so well, but they will sometimes set aside that knowledge for the most absurd, self-obsessed, circle-jerky takes. Just like this one. Adam Wainwright is great. He was fun in the booth too. No one is arguing that. But to say “There may never have been – nor will there be again – a TV baseball broadcaster that’s more universally liked, appreciated and celebrated like Waino has been the past few days.” Really? My man works a couple of fill-in shifts on FS1 and now he’s God’s gift to the baseball microphone? How nearsighted do you have to be to write that sentence, let alone think it.

This article is the epitome of a #TAKESIREN.

Think about that. The man worked 2 games and St. Louis is deeming him the most universally liked, appreciated AND CELEBRATED announcer of all-time. The naivety is thicker than the amount of sugar in a gooey butter cake. St. Louis’s own Jack Buck is turning over in his grave right now. So is Joe Buck. (Joe isn’t dead, I just like to imagine he sleeps in a coffin.) Hell, you’re going to claim this in a year where Mike Shannon just stepped down? (I’ll admit Mike Shannon isn’t “universally” liked, but you get my point.) That’d be like saying Lars Nootbaar is already the most universally liked, appreciated and celebrated announcer of all-time.

Here’s a list of MLB broadcasters who are universally liked:

  • Vin Scully
  • Bob Uecker
  • Bob Costas
  • Hawk Harrelson
  • Ernie Johnson
  • Harry Kalas
  • Dave Niehaus
  • Gary Thorne
  • Dan Shulman
  • Brian Anderson
  • Jon Miller
  • Harray Carrey
  • Ernie Harwell

And those are only the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Not quite ready to throw Adam Wainwright (a self-admitted cheater – his words, not mine) on that list after less than a full work week under his belt. Look, St. Louis, please don’t do this. I like you too much to let you do crap like this that makes the rest of the country collectively roll their eyes. Adam Wainwright was great. He was funny. He was informative. He was entertaining. But let’s pump the brakes before we start tabbing this guy as baseball’s Cronkite.

CRONKITE! I said Cronkite! Not Kroenke.



Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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