Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Some Pranksters Changed The Hollywood Sign To Say “HOLLYBOOB” – Classic!

Every couple of years, we always get a few souls brave enough to hop the fence at the iconic Hollywood sign to change the letters or protest something. A couple of years ago, we had a couple of stoners flipping the sign to say HOLLYWeeD.

That was actually pretty solid. Not just the punnyness of it, but the delivery. It legit looked like they altered the letters of the sign, especially from afar.


The execution is a little sloppy and a little lazy. The pun is non-existent. But does it make me laugh? You bet. To me, boob is on the Mount Rushmore of words that make me giggle. Right up there with duty (heh, duty), weiner, and gorgonzola.

Per the LA Times:

Six people were arrested Monday after scaling steep terrain around the iconic Hollywood sign and strategically changing it to convey what they said was a breast cancer awareness message, according to police.

via L.A. Times

Feels like the breast cancer awareness spin is just a way to get out of being immature dudes who wanted to see the word boob written in the Hollywood hills. I’d almost respect that more. Because if the five guys and one girl who did this really wanted to bring “awareness” to breast cancer, why didn’t they spend their time, money, and giant-ass tarps on something that could actually help breast cancer? Like sell pink merchandise and only give about 10% of the sales towards research like the NFL does. I dunno. Just a suggestion. But again, I’m all for plastering the word boob in the hills too, if that’s more your style.

All six will be cited with misdemeanor trespassing and released, Lurie said. “There’s no vandalism because the sign wasn’t damaged,” he said.

Feels like a pretty light punishment for something like this. Why don’t we hop the fence and change the Hollywood sign to say stuff more often? Like HOLLYBEER or HOLDLINE (shout out, stonks) or GORGONZOLA. To the six, hat tip to you all. You got a chuckle out of me on a Tuesday morning. Well done, breast cancer awareness soldiers.


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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