Saturday, February 8, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Jay Glazer’s Very Big, Legit Big Breaking News Was Neither Very Big, Nor Legit Big

Last night we were hit with this news from Jason Smith about future news from Jay Glazer.

Whoa. Must be Burt Reynolds or something.

Then Jay hits us with a little more clarity this morning.

Oh man. This has gotta be big, right? I mean, someone wouldn’t go on Jason Smith’s late-night Fox Sports Radio show to tease “legit big” breaking news if it wasn’t legit and/or big, right?

In case you don’t feel like clicking on Jay’s Twitlonger link (which I don’t blame you, and not just because it sounds dirty to click on another man’s Twitlonger link), the full tweet reads:

Breaking: First active NFL player to test positive for the corona virus, Rams C Brian Allen, told me he tested positive for COVID-19 three weeks ago and then again early last week.
Lost all smell and taste to where he couldn’t even smell an ammonia smelling-salt. Has no taste. Then the flu began. Says he’s now finally symptom-free and thankfully expecting the “all clear” this week!
Rams had to close their facility weeks ago to injured players (facilities are only open for medical) but are able to re-open next week @NFLonFOX

Jay was right about the fact that this isn’t news to make fun of, but honestly that’s about all he was right on. Don’t think I’m about to make fun of the news about someone testing positive for COVID-19. I’m not. I’m about to make fun of the person who broke the news. And hyped it.

There are roughly 1,696 rostered players in the NFL right now. At the time of writing this, there are 641,000 confirmed cases nationwide. It’s not that shocking to believe an NFL player has finally tested positive, especially after NBA, NHL, and MiLB players have all tested positive so far. And calling this breaking news big is a tad much. Aaron Rodgers didn’t test positive. It was a lesser-known offensive lineman for a third-place NFC West team.

Tom Hanks getting the ‘rona is breaking news. Kevin Durant coming down with the ‘vid is breaking news. Hell, I’d even agree Sean Payton getting the corona sniffles is breaking news. But a guy named Brian who plays on the Rams offensive line? I don’t even know if I’d click on that story on ESPN.com’s front page. No offense. Is it important? Absolutely. Is it this needs to be teased for 24-hours ahead of time before I announce it in a Twitlonger link? Hell no.

And the fact that he sat on this news, and hyped it, only to drop it on his FS1 show only just makes the whole thing look lamer. Just because there are no sports, doesn’t mean any news regarding sports are “very big” and “legit big.” I’m not mad. I’m just severely disappointed.

To Brian Allen… get better man. This virus is no joke. Trust me, we all wouldn’t be locked up if it wasn’t. Beat it, let’s continue to flatten the curve, and let’s see you on Sundays this fall.

To Jay… *sigh.* I guess I just won’t be surprised when you drop some major breaking news next time about an NFL assistant GM stubbing his toe.


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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