Here’s A List Of 6 Things To Do Instead Of Watching Preseason Football, I Guess?
Football is BACK!*
Not looking forward to preseason football? Yeah, me neither. It’s always around this time of year, as the summer winds down, that I begin to get extremely excited for football season. There’s just something about those crisp fall nights that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Football season gives me all the feels.
If you hate preseason football as much as me, then you’re in luck. I have come up with 6 things to do while you await regular season football and for the coveted phrase of “7 hours of commercial-free football starts now.”
1. Watch paint dry

2. Pretend to care about the Olympics

3. Shine your shoes

4. Take a walk

5. Build a SpongeBob SquarePants Lego set

6. Return books to your local library

If you aren’t a fan of the Steelers or Cowboys, just be thankful your team isn’t playing 4 preseason games. It’s almost as if you get real football sooner.
And look, this list is merely a suggestion. I’m just as lost as you guys are. Feel free to get creative out there. It’s a long 4 weeks, so brace yourselves. You may find yourself waking up in a cold sweat one of these Sunday mornings, frantically flipping through your channels looking for Scott Hanson and RedZone. Just know that you are not alone. We can do this.