Fantasy Obsessed Joe Girardi Forgets To Set Yankees Lineup

NEW YORK — New York Yankees manager and fantasy baseball enthusiast Joe Girardi completely forgot to set the Yankees lineup on Tuesday after setting his fantasy team’s roster.
After missing the weekly deadline, Girardi was forced to play a Yankees lineup with no second baseman, three players who are currently on the DL, a bunch of really bad players, and even Alex Rodriguez.
“I don’t know what happened,” Girardi admitted. “It just completely slipped my mind.”
Girardi, 50, has been known to be a fantasy baseball guru for years. Many close to him say he spends more time setting his fantasy baseball lineup than he does on the Yankees’ actual lineup. “One time he left Mark Teixeira off the Yankees’ starting lineup for three weeks, and when asked about it, he said he forgot his login info,” an anonymous Yankees’ front office staffer said. “You don’t need login info to set a Major League lineup.”
When asked if shortstop Didi Gregorious was one of the many players who shouldn’t normally be in the team’s lineup, Girardi said, “No, that actually wasn’t a mistake. He’s supposed to be our everyday shortstop.” The media room then erupted in laughter.