Dusty Baker Says Jose Altuve‘s Struggles Are “Killing Him” Which Is Sad Because HAHAHAHAHA!
How’s Jose Altuve doing this year?

Poor guy.
You have to feel bad for him, right? I mean, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I’m sorry. I couldn’t even get through that without laughing.
There is not a morsel of sympathy in my body for Jose Altuve or any of the Houston Astros. Why? Because there wasn’t a morsel of sorrow from them after they cheated, got caught cheating, and then admitted to cheating. If anything, they got defensive. And on top of that, they faced no punishment, but rather, immunity. So there’s been no justice served. Well, none aside from public shaming, which Rob Manfred said himself should be the punishment.
Rob Manfred back in February: “I do take issue with is the notion that anybody in the Houston organization escaped without punishment. I think if you look at the faces of the Houston players as they’ve been out there publicly addressing this issue, they have been hurt by this.”
So I guess gap-tooth is leaving this punishment up to us. And the fact that they’re clearly struggling this year tells me everyone’s doing a hell of a job. Keep it up!
Because the Astros have turned heel, like any nWo wrestler or LeBron with the Heat. They played into the hate only to make us hate them more. The only difference between the Wolfpack and the Heatles is, they actually won. The Astros have been less than mediocre this year. And I’m sure that feeling outweighs the feeling of winning for most people’s favorite teams. Justice feels good.
My question is: do you think Altuve regrets not showing us his “embarrassing tattoo” now? Because there’s no way the shame he would’ve received for a bad tattoo is half as bad as the shame he’s receiving now.
The only person I kinda feel bad for is Dusty Baker. Being named Astros manager after the cheating scandal is like being named the lead singer of Nickelback. He’s a substitute teacher for the detention hall. Poor guy is gonna chew through twice as many toothpicks this year out of sheer frustration.
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