Saturday, February 8, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Coronavirus Is Distancing Everyone But Zack & Kelly Apparently

Things suck right now, sure… blah, blah, blah.

But if there’s one good thing we can take away from this, it’s the hope of this thing ending Zack Morris and Kelly Kapowski getting back together!

So Zack walks to Kelly’s house to “borrow some eggs.” Yeah, right. Pretty sure any guy who’s ever had a thing for a girl has used the old “do you own a chicken and if so, can I burrow some eggs during this global pandemic” excuse.

I mean, watch that video again. The way he says, “Uh, yeah” after he reveals who his “friend” is. That paired with the fact that he could’ve made a trip to Whole Foods for some eggs, but instead calls up TAT to see if her chickens have been busy. Total flirt move.

Also, these guys aren’t just on burrowing eggs terms. They have their own nickname for eggs together: butt nuggets. Did you catch that from the video? I mean, come on. If that’s not a sign of true love, I don’t know what is.

Now sure, Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Tiffani Amber Thiessen are both married with children of their own, but this is Zack and Kelly we’re talking about! It starts with rebooting Saved By The Bell together, then it extends into borrowing eggs and gifting beers, and then eventually leads to the TMZ articles about the two of them seen canoodling at a private resort just outside of Los Angeles. Malibu Sands Beach Club, perhaps?

Because let’s not forget that – if you forget The College Years all together, which you should – these two left things pretty well, all things considered.

To Be Continued… when a global pandemic strikes and Zack need eggs.

You can’t watch that break up and tell me those two people don’t still love each other. That’s got to be the most amicable break-up in the history of relationships. Hollywood couldn’t have written a more amicable break-up, and this thing was written by Hollywood!

So when you see these two flirting on Instagram all these years later, the hope you had watching these two on Saturday morning as a kid is naturally going to reemerge and swell up like Mario Lopez’s face after a botox injection.

ALL CROPS: 141324811 SAVED BY THE BELL: WEDDING IN LAS VEGAS -- Air Date 10/07/1994 -- Pictured: (l-r) Mark-Paul Gosselaar as Zack Morris, Tiffani Thiessen as Kelly Kapowski -- Photo by: Gary Null/NBCU Photo Bank

Now you may be thinking, didn’t these two get married in Vegas in a made-for-TV movie? Yes, but again, personally, I don’t count anything from their relationship where Zack’s hair was longer than Kelly’s. Plus, Saved By The Bell co-creator Peter Engel even admitted to Entertainment Weekly in 2016 that he thinks Zack and Kelly would be divorced by now:

Despite the best wedding possible set in Las Vegas, the on-again, off-again romance between Zack Morris (Mark-Paul Gosselaar) and Kelly Kapowski (Tiffani Thiessen) wasn’t destined to last, according to executive producer Peter Engel, which begs the question: Would they still be married now?

“Probably not,” said Engel in an interview with TVLine. “Well, they’d be married — but not to each other.” Even with their stories ended by a two-hour TV movie in 1994, the couple would have to experience happily ever after with someone else.

That’s somewhat believable. Especially considering the only thing that probably lasted from that Vegas trip was Jesse Spanos’ start in the Showgirls industry, which I’m pretty sure was her only acting job post-SBTB.

So if the show’s producer says these two’s characters are no longer together, then that means this flame is prime to be rekindled like the pilot light of a broken water heater.

Especially if you take into account Tiffani Thiessen’s opinion, herself, who thinks Zack and Kelly would still be together today, as she said in this video:

She answered that pretty, pretty quickly, leading me to believe she’s thought about this before. And why else would she think about it unless she was thinking about it, if you catch my drift?

Now let me be clear, I’m not rooting for divorce. I never would. However, I am a freaking sucker for true love. And I know that this is true love. I know this was always meant to be. I know that friendship ring Zack gave Kelly means a hell of a lot more than the wedding ring her husband gave her. You can tell by the look on her face.

It’s a damn friendship ring and she gave him a look like he went to Jared, when all he probably did was save up tickets from Dave & Busters, because he’s Zack Morris.

Look, if this made-up relationship withstood the test of Stacey Carosi (Malibu Sands Beach Club), Laura Benton (the homeless girl from the Christmas episode), Tori Scott (the leather jacket wearing chick from the last season – when Kelly moved on to other projects), and Johnny freaking Dakota (the famous actor who tried to make all the kids do dope)… I’m pretty sure it can withstand anything.

All I’m saying is, I hope MPG needs eggs very soon, and I hope TAT can provide those eggs yet again. Not just for the sake of their relationship or my argument, for the sake of our entertainment. Especially during coronavirus. That way, whenever shooting for this SBTB reboot they’re working on resumes, these two will be that much closer to giving the live studio audience (all of us) a reason to say “OOOOOOooooooo!”

Honestly, if coronavirus somehow reignites this spark, I say all this social distancing was worth it.

I’ll leave you with this…

Also, while writing this, I learned there are wayyy too many off-brand music videos dedicated to Zack and Kelly on YouTube.

I’m not joking.


I can keep going.

There are way too many of these.

You will be scrolling for hours.

I’m not even mad anymore. I’m actually impressed.

Who puts these together?

This one is a candyliciousprincess production…

Do these people not check first to see how competitive the market of Zack and Kelly music montage videos already is?

Look, I never want to discourage someone from chasing their dream, but if you’re dream is to make a Zack and Kelly music videos set to covers of love songs, maybe find another TV couple, because we’re good with this couple for a while.

I mean, this one’s set to a damn Evanescence song.

With that said, this one’s my favorite.


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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