Saturday, March 15, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Complete NBA Preview

If you know me, you know I love many things. LeBron James, gratuitous amounts of candy, freakishly tall people, pet Polar Bears, and the NBA. While I don’t have the time (or battery power required to run my laptop) to write about all of these things, I thought I’d at least take some time on Christmas Eve to give the faithful readers of Korked Bats an ultimate NBA preview.

Top 6 Teams

  1. Miami Heat
  2. Oklahoma City Thunder
  3. Chicago Bulls
  4. Dallas Mavericks
  5. Team Edward
  6. Darkhorse: Los Angeles Clippers

Top 6 MVP Competitors

  1. Kevin Durant
  2. Derrick Rose
  3. Dirk Nowitzki
  4. LeBron James
  5. Tim Tebow
  6. Darkhorse: Zach Randolph

3 Teams That Will Surprise You

  1. Indiana Pacers
  2. Minnesota Timberwolves
  3. The Milwaukee Magicians… No seriously, this is a group of professional magicians that do local birthday parties who will absolutely surprise you (they knew my card every time!)

5 Things More Hated than Kris Humphries

  1. Penn State
  2. Human Trafficking
  3. Yellow Starburst
  4. Miami Heat
  5. I guess that’s about it…

3 Things That Will Disappoint

  1. Los Angeles Lakers
  2. Charlotte Bobcats
  3. Pittsburgh Pirates
  4. My counting

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