Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Coaches Poll Out, Feel Free To Ignore It

Well folks, it’s that time. Our nation’s favorite blowhards (or, more accurately, their minions) have made their annual pilgrimage to the polls so they can produce the incredibly reputable, insatiably helpful preseason coaches poll.

To no one’s surprise, those good ol’ boys down in Alabama were voted best of all by those guys that sort of think about what they’re voting for.

Here’s the full top 10, with first-place votes denoted:

1. Alabama (55)
2. Ohio State (4)
3. Florida
4. Texas
5. Boise State
6. Virginia Tech
7. TCU
8. Oklahoma
9. Nebraska
10. Iowa

No complaints from me beside, you know, the mere existence this poll. It’s absolutely ludicrous that a vote that is made before any team has even stepped foot on a field for a game, let alone an actually meaningful game against a comparable opponent, carries any weight. In case you actually need a reason to ignore this poll, have a gander at the coach’s preseason top 25 from last year. How’s that Sun Bowl trophy, Oklahoma? Still pining Snead for Heisman, Ole Miss?

But hey, the NCAA has enough issues without me piling on.

You all may now go back to figuring out how true these salacious Favre rumors are.

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