2010: A Korked Bats Odessey
You are witnessing something great today.
The re-birth of a moderately funny sports news website. Today is a day that will live in infamy… kinda. Because February 2nd, 2010 will FOREVER be remembered as…
…Groundhogs Day.
But to the six of us who write for this website, it will FOREVER be remembered as…
…Well, Groundhogs Day.
But on top of that, it will also be known as the day we took off our website’s training wheels. And by training wheels we mean our “dot blogspot“. Some of you may be wondering, with this brand new KorkedBats.com website, will you guys be more awesome and sell out and be too cool for us? The best way I can answer that is yes, no, and maybe. Yes, we will be more awesome. No, we will not sell out. And we might be too cool for you. But probably not.
But aren’t you excited?! The internet is once again FUN!
For those of you who are still skeptical of this change and are a little hesitant to accept this new website, I have two things for you. First, think of this change like the time Britney Spears shaved her head. Sure, it seemed weird and uncomfortable at first. And yeah, it seemed like she would never rebound from that. And so what if it seemed like she was taking crazy pills?
Eventually, she made it back on top. And now look at her! Once everyone LEFT BRITNEY ALONE, Sure, she’s still really weird, but at least she made “Womanizer” for all of us to enjoy.
So, consider this new website us shaving our head. We already went through our Kevin Federline stage, popped two kids out, and now we’re ready for bigger and better things. So get with the times. This is who we are now. You can’t control us. You’re not our real dad!
We appreciate all the support we have gotten from our readers over the past year and a half. We couldn’t be where we are now without all of you. We hope that you continue to share our site to the non-cool kids who haven’t yet discovered Korked Bats. Don’t be selfish.
So, in conclusion, enjoy our new home and have a safe and happy Groundhog’s Day. (Side note: How does Punxsutawney Phil NOT see his shadow every single year? And why do we leave it up to a groundhog to determine when spring will get here?)
Congrats on the move man I am excited for yall.
I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but I am definitely selling out
The website is awesome!