Saturday, February 8, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

19 Things You Could’ve Done During The Red Sox-Yankees 19-Inning Game

Last Friday, the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees played in a 19-inning game that took nearly 7 hours (6 hours, 49 minutes) to complete. If you’re not good with time and/or just ADD, that’s a long time. In fact, it’s long enough to do so many other things. We went ahead a conducted a list of other things you could’ve done while this game took place.

Things To Do During 19 Inning Game

In the amount of time it took the Red Sox and Yankees to play their 19-inning game, you could have…

1. Driven from New York City to Boston and back again.

2. Watched The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, and 2 episodes of Full House.

3. Flown from Los Angeles to Phoenix… with a layover in Chicago.

4. Gotten a recommended full night of sleep.

5. Listened to the entire discographies of both Hinder and Creed (including Creed’s Greatest Hits album).

Hinder DiscographyCreed Discography

6. Watched the actual football action of 38 NFL games, or nearly two-and-a-half seasons for a single team. (About 11 minutes of actual gameplay per game.)

7. Done 8-minute Abs 52-and-a-half times.

8. Played one game of Monopoly.

9. Gone shopping for 7 hours.

10. Watched the opening credits sequence of House of Cards once.

11. Slow cooked “7-hour lamb” in the oven.

12. Fought in The Anglo-Zanzibar War nine times (roughly 45 minutes long).

13. Taught your wife or girlfriend what an infield fly is.

14. Hosted the 90s daytime talk show The Magic Hour longer than Magic Johnson did.

15. Solve a 17x17x17 Rubik’s Cube if you’re this guy:

16. Almost solve a regular Rubik’s Cube if you’re anyone else.

17. Watched nearly half of Ken Burn’s Baseball Documentary (18.5 hours).

18. Watched Dunston Checks In almost five times.

Dunston Checks In

19. Waited in line to go to the bathroom once at Wrigley Field.


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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