Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Suck It, Dana White! Our Second Instagram Account Has Now Surpassed 1,000 Followers

I’ll admit it. Surpassing 1,000 followers isn’t anything special. There are countless ugly influencers who have 1,000 followers on IG. But for us, a dumb sports blog that had their account taken last May, it’s somewhat of a benchmark. We’ve surpassed 4-digits in our follower count which is not too shabby for an account we had to start over from scratch back on September 2nd. Why? Because Dana White can’t unclench his butt cheeks and sends minions out to destroy Instagram accounts of blogs who have the audacity to share :15 seconds of a fight (that had already concluded, mind you) to try and promote the UFC brand.

It was an absolute gut punch. All of our followers, content and hard work were just eliminated. All because Dana White has a 14-foot pole jammed up his ass. It’s funny how a niche sport such as mixed martial arts harvests the internet looking to take down any account that just so happens to post a clip of their sport, while the most popular sports in the world like the NBA, NFL and MLB have no problem if you share their highlights. They used to, sure, but then they realized it’s free advertising. It’s free marketing. So they stopped flagging accounts for sharing their highlights. Not UFC, though. Those Affliction shirt-wearing hardos still come after accounts and destroy them and all their hard work on a one-strike basis. So screw UFC forever.

After an entire summer of trying to get the account back, we decided to just go ahead and start over from scratch. We did. And now here we are less than 5 months later with a solid thousand followers. Thanks to all of you who do follow us on Instagram, for helping us get back on our feet. To those who don’t, well, what the hell are you doing with your life? If you wanna be a cool kid, you gotta follow Korked Bats.


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.
