Personalized Thank You Notes
Back in January, we were pretty neck-and-neck in the Shorty Award race for Best Blogger on Twitter. (Which, quick plug, be sure to follow us on Twitter for more sports jokes that never make it on our site.) We made a deal with our followers that if you retweeted a specific tweet we sent out, we would write you each a personalized thank you note for doing so.
With that, we have good news and bad news.
The good news is, we are finally doing it. The bad news is, we weren’t able to find every single person who retweeted said tweet.
As many of you know, Twitter is more complicated than Tiger Woods’ race. Especially now with this NEW Twitter. What’s with that?! It only shows you a select few (or the most recent) people who have retweeted one of your tweets. Frustrating.
We found as many as we could (less than half) and wrote those people personalized Thank You’s. To those that retweeted any of those tweets, we’re sorry. This falls on us. If we do something like this in the future, we promise to be quicker with our promise and include all of you in it.
None of this changes the fact that we love you. Always remember that. Always.
Thank you all for your support!
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