Friday, March 14, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

LeBron Walking Out Of The NBA Players Meeting & Hopping on Madden Is The Most Relatable Thing He’s Ever Done

Pretty sure I don’t need to fill you in on what’s going on in the world right now. Especially in the NBA. But the gist is: after every team boycotted their playoff games last night, the players had a meeting to talk about next steps (first: that’s pretty cool to see players of every team come together for something other than a Nike photoshoot or something). During the meeting, LeBron got upset and walked out.

I get it. Tensions are hella high right now. If people are using ALL CAPS on Twitter, I can’t imagine what it’s like in real life inside that bubble. Especially if it led to LeBron walking out early.

People will pick at him for this. That’s just a given. Mainly because people pick at LeBron for everything he does. But you can’t pick at him for not caring about others. This is a guy who’s opened up a school for struggling families, he partnered with the Dodgers to turn Dodger Stadium into a polling place, he’s been so proactive outside of basketball. So I don’t doubt that he got super passionate during that meeting.

Now, not to go all BuzzFeed headline writer on you, but what happens next may shock you.


El. Oh. El.

I actually respect the hell out of this move. Let he who hasn’t picked up the sticks in a fit of rage to let some steam off cast thy first stone. Madden is just like therapy, only way cheaper. At times, in college, after really stressful days, I would take my anger out on random civilians in Grand Theft Auto. So honestly, this is the most relatable thing LeBron could’ve done last night. And I freaking love it. Only way it could’ve been more relatable to me personally would be if he was dipping rice cakes into a jar of peanut butter while he played.

Not to mention. LeBron is in the bubble, away from his family and kids. Any married guy and/or dad will tell you: hopping on the sticks at his stage of life is a damn luxury. It’s rarified air. So honestly, I hope LeBron hops on the PlayStation, XBox, Sega Dreamcast, whatever EVERY chance he gets while in that bubble. Because once he leaves, that time to game will be gone.

I just love how one of the greatest athletes of all time and one of the most powerful voices in sports right now lets off steam the same way I (and probably many of us) do. Respect, King.


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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