Saturday, March 15, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Joe Judge Dealt With His Giants Breakup The Way Any Red-Blooded American Should: Pizza And Beer… LOTS OF IT

Forget ice cream and movies … Joe Judge is getting over his New York Giants breakup with beer and pizza — and a whole hell of a lot of it!!! The former G-Men head coach — who was canned on Tuesday following two abysmal seasons with the team — ordered a boatload of ‘za and suds to his New Jersey home on Wednesday, presumably to help drown out his newfound sorrows. Pictures, obtained by TMZ Sports, show the newly unemployed 40-year-old had nine boxes of pizza as well as several cases of Michelob Ultra and Coors Light delivered to his place. We’re also told Judge had flowers arrive on his doorstep as well.

via TMZ.com

Ok, I think I now believe him that former players called him wanting to join his team’s culture. Look at these pics (courtesy of TMZ)…

via TMZ
via TMZ
via TMZ
via TMZ
via TMZ
Does this guy know how to party or what Gif

This also explains that 3rd and 9 quarterback sneak call. My man was probably looking to get fired, just for the excuse to throw a rager like this. Maybe the Giants should re-hire him? Sure, he’s a bad head coach. But how can you not respect how he responds in the face of adversity? And as a man who’s been fired multiple times, I’d argue there are few beers better than the recently laid off beer. It trickles down the gullet like the finest of wines. You know why? Because when your job was flushed down the toilet, so was your responsibility. You don’t have to stop at just one on a school night. You can have three, maybe five, or hell, in Joe’s case, seventeen… cases. And if you mix in some pizza into that equation, you’re basically throwing yourself an adult birthday party. Only thing missing is the bounce house… which I wouldn’t be surprised if he had delivered through the back.

Look, if women can drown their breakup sorrows in Ben & Jerry’s and wine, why can’t football coaches overcome their pink slips with some pizza and beer? Joe Judge, I’ll be honest, I didn’t respect you at all when you were coaching the New York Football Giants, but I respect the hell out of you now. Party on, Joe.

P.S. Joe, it’s well past time to take down the Christmas decorations. We’re almost halfway through January. Professional football coach or not, there is no excuse for that.


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.
