If You Thought Papa John’s Was Bad, Just Wait Until You Meet Papa Bless
The date is Monday, November 29, 2021. A Monday that I will now remember forever. Why? Because that was the day Papa John Schnatter Papa Bless’ed me and I’m not really sure why and I can’t stop thinking about it.
The fact that I have been Papa Bless’ed might as well have given me superpowers. Superpowers that give me the ability to eat 40 pizzas in 30 days, if I so desired. The type of superpowers that give me the strength to go in public wearing a Superman tank top. I’m just not quite sure what I did to deserve such a blessing.
What the hell is Papa Bless? Who the hell is Papa Bless? I don’t know. And that’s what’s so terrifying. The more I think about Papa Bless, the more scared I get.
And it’s not just me. The entire damn KB team is in shambles. Austin couldn’t stop thinking about Papa Bless.

Hell, The Cineboiz didn’t drop a pod this week. Why? Probably because Papa Bless. Papa Bless is haunting our daily life. Please send help.