Saturday, March 15, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

How To: Bring Sexy Back To The NBA

I have a proposition for the NBA.

Have you noticed that your ratings are lagging? لعبة بلاك جاك اون لاين مجانا Have you noticed that the seats are empty? Have you noticed that you have to lure people into the seats with free tacos from Taco Bell if the home team scores over a hundred points?

You should do what SNL does.

Hire Justin Timberlake.

Not only does he have a great smile and good muscle tone, he also has great comedic timing and he has great follow through. With his jump shot.

Look, he can even do some fancy footwork.

And then look at this vest. But don’t look for too long. You will burn your retina’s from exposure to pure dapper. مواقع ربح المال

If he gets on the injured list, we are actually in luck.

I can imagine that the NBA has tried to get Justin in the past without avail.

Don’t worry, NBA, all you need to do is this:

1. Promise Justin he put whatever he wants in a box.

2. Take whatever he wants down to Liquoreville.

3. Let him choose his uniform. Even if it is high heels and a black one-piece bathing suit. bwin

4. And no matter what, let him bring sexy back.

If he can help SNL and the NBA, maybe we can send him to other countries. He can probably help with things like getting peace in the Middle East and he will probably be able to find out who did in fact, start the fire. We can use him for good.

Because it’s not like he’s busy making music or anything.

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This post is a part of our bi-weekly The Ladies Room posts for Korked Bats.

Follow The Ladies Room on Twitter: @KBLadiesRoom – Or follow Erin, TLR writer: @erinmcgown

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