Dave Wannstedt Waved To Me Yesterday
Don’t believe me? Need a second source to corroborate your story?
I’m not going to lie. This has to be a top 3 most random moments of my life. The former head coach of the former Dolphins, Bills, and Pitt Panthers (Hail 2 Pitt, shoutout A.D.) head coach waving to me directly is right up there with seat-filling at the Oscars and this blog basically designing the trophy for the Nebraska-Minnesota rivalry game. (EDIT: ok, Derrick Henry following my personal Instagram account was pretty random too. So maybe this cracks my top 4.)
Sure, it may not be that out of the blue for Dave Wannstedt to be in my radio station’s building as the iconic 670 The Score is our sister station. But they’re on the floor below us, so rarely do we see anyone from the Score. But furthermore, it was the mannerisms behind the wave. He walked by the studio and nodded, then gave a double-take, locked eyes with me, and came back to the window to raise his arm and give the friendliest next-door-neighbor wave you’ve ever seen. It was as if we’ve been friends for years. But I’ve never met him in my life. And keep in mind, I had a co-host in studio with me. He did not wave to her. He waved to me. I feel like the luckiest man alive today. Not just for my newfound lifelong brag that Dave Wannstedt waved to me. But because I got to see that glorious stache in person.

Unfortunately, however, Dave did not swing by today.
Anyway… More like Wave Dannstedt, amirite?!