Thursday, March 27, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

20 Years of Best Picture: A DEFINITIVE Tier-Ranking

Wow, what a ride it’s been. 20 years since CHICAGO won Best Picture at the 2003 Academy Awards. Think about everything that’s changed since then. We’ve traded in our Motorola Razrs for iPhones. We’ve stopped using Netflix to get discs in the mail (unless you’re my old roommate Jordan…shout-out, Jordan). Blockbuster, Bin Laden and the McRib have all died—but just as sure as the Cowboys spectacularly implode out of the playoffs each year, we still have great movies to watch.

19 other films have won Best Picture at the Oscars since then. Some of them were great, some were fine, and some unfortunately were GREEN BOOK.

In celebration of Oscar Nominations coming out on Tuesday, we here at Korked Bats/The CineBoiz Podcast took the liberty of putting all 20 Best Picture winners of the last 2 decades into a Tier Ranking List. It took about 45 minutes of debate and hurting each other’s feelings to come up with what we to believe (as of 2022) to be the DEFINITIVE tier ranking on the last 20 Best Picture winners below.

Keep in mind, this is DEFINITIVE until we re-tier in 2024. We are professional film watchers, and you are not.

You can watch us reason and debate this list here:

So what do you think? Be sure to let us know how you feel on Twitter (@korkedbats; @thecineboiz) and Instagram (@korkedbats2; @thecineboiz). Also, be sure to follow Korked Bats on YouTube and The Cineboiz on Twitch to catch us live, and subscribe to The CineBoiz Podcast wherever podcasts are found!


Kenny lives in Austin, TX and is one of the co-hosts of the CineBoiz Podcast. When he isn’t talking about or watching movies he can be found kicking it with Mickie the Dog and re-watching the Kansas City Chiefs win Super Bowl 54 for the 25th time.
