Yadier Molina Says “F*** COVID” While Hanging Out In A Group In A Very Responsible And Now Deleted Instagram Post
Glad to see the St. Louis Cardinals are going above and beyond to take their preventative measures against COVID-19 so seriously. Wait. What’s that? They’re not??
This (now deleted) Instagram photo is a pick your poison of offensive: you’ve got the potty mouth language, the Van Gogh-looking outer space shin tattoo, or the Denver Broncos camp counselor floppy hat.
And hear me out… maybe its the fact that the supposed leader of the supposed only team in baseball who plays baseball the right way, sorry, the Cardinal Way, is completely negating any and all CDC, MLB, and team mandated protocols. Protocols which have been put in place to help slow the spread of COVID throughout a league that has already been infiltrated by the disease more than any other sport – and in large part because of this St. Louis Cardinals team.

Permission to speak candidly for a second. What a tool. And this comes from a guy who actually respects Yadier Molina. But what a tool. Look, I have no idea who those people in the photo are. Nor do I really care. Maybe they’re his family, maybe they’re his friends, maybe they’re his tattoo artists. But the fact that they’re huddled up for a picture, doubled up with his caption, tripled up with the fact that this picture is now deleted off his Instagram tells me this is Yadi touting that he could care less about this pandemic. The same guy who instigates fights with players who don’t do things the right way on the field is failing to do things the right way off of it. The double-standard here is more painfully obvious than the fact that he’s wear jorts. You can’t come to work everyday with a holier than thou persona and reputation and then post pics of yourself partying amidst a team trying (and very poorly I might add) to finish a season. But hey, it’s Yadi!
I’ve always said that Yadier Molina could literally murder the mayor of St. Louis, burn the entire city to the ground, piss on the ashes of the Busch Stadium, make fun of St. Louis style pizza and STILL be voted mayor if he ran for office. That’s how universally loved he is in that city. In fact, I’m surprised they haven’t already applied neck tats to the Gateway Arch.
I mean it’s one thing to break protocol and hang out in a big group of people. It’s an entirely other thing to post about it on social media. But since he’s so universally loved by the city and the franchise, will he face any punishment with the team or even be chastised in the court of public opinion? No. Not at all. Meanwhile the other 29 MLB teams are taking their COVID measures seriously. To the point where none of their players are going to casinos (allegedly) and if they are, they’re getting sent home from the team like the Indians did with Zach Plesac and Mike Clevinger. Could you imagine the Cardinals sending Yadi home? LOL! Over John Mozeliak’s J. Crew-styled dead body!
Why am I so bent about this? Because the Cardinals carelessness is not only jeopardizing the conclusion of this season, but it’s also screwing up the teams in their division. The Cubs – a team that has handled this pandemic maturely and extremely responsibly – had to play 5 games in a 3 day span last week. Why? To make up games against the Cardinals. Because 19 of them were postponed due to 17 members of their team passing around COVID like it was the chicken pox. Plus, Rob Manfred threatened to shut down the entire sport if they can’t fit everything in before October. How ironic (and infuriating) would it be if the baseball mecca know as St. Louis was responsible for shutting down baseball. And now here’s their leader, not just laughing in the face of a pandemic, even after he spent like a month in a hotel and contracted the disease himself, but doing it all in jorts! Complete disrespect.
Silver lining: at least this time it wasn’t in a casino, I guess.
P.S. – Be prepared for Cardinals fans to tell you that Yadier Molina broke protocols the right way.
UPDATE: Looks like Cardinals brass got Yadi to “clear things up” (or “spin this in a different direction” depending on how you want to see it).
Update: pic.twitter.com/148jd67Mse
— Jessica Kleinschmidt (@KleinschmidtJD) August 24, 2020