Monday, February 10, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Who Doesn’t Love A Good Pre-Super Bowl Conspiracy? Especially One Involving Barbers

Forget Sweeney Todd, this barber is the most dangerous person in the world with a pair of shears in his hand. Luckily, they were able to pull the barber “mid-cut” but unluckily for Daniel Kilgore, he now looks like this.

Now, not to be that guy, but does any of this make you raise your eyebrows at all?

Image result for eyebrow raise gif

It’s a bit of a long shot, but hear me out.

Tom Brady, as a Patriot, has an extensive and very well-documented history of being a cheater.

  • 2001 – “Tuck Rule”
  • 2007 – “Spy-Gate”
  • 2014 – falsified injury reports
  • 2014 – “Deflategate”
  • 2015 – Headset “malfunctions” against the Steelers
  • 2019 – Bengals video scandal
  • 2021 – “FADEGATE”????

And honestly, I’m probably missing some. Fast-forward to the 2020 season, Tom’s first year as a Buccaneer. There was absolutely zero indication of the Patriots cheating this year. And Lord knows they needed to cheat with Cam Newton trying to fill Tom’s shoes at QB. After posting a 7-9 record, that’s clearly not a team guilty of cheating their way to victory. So what was different about this year, you ask? The answer is simple and he is 43-years-old.

Am I suggesting that Tom Brady orchestrated the hiring of a barber for the Chiefs who knowingly had COVID? Yes. That’s exactly what I’m suggesting. Tom is out here playing chess while the rest of the NFL is playing Call of Duty or dancing on Tik Tok. Open your eyes, sheeple. And stay woke.

P.S. — Next time Kilgore should just go to Sport Clips where IT’S GOOD TO BE A GUY!


A.D. is a Steelers season ticket holder and remembers when Wiz Khalifa was good. He hails from Pitt(sburgh), and has swam in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.


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