Sunday, February 16, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

What The Hell Is BASH BALL? A Bachelorette Recap (From A Guy) – Episode 5

The recap was a little late this week, but it’s here. You can rest assure it may show up late, like Blake, but it will always be there. Like Connor’s hand on the back of your head during a make-out sesh.

This week we were introduced to a good ol’ fashioned game (sport?) of BASH BALL. What is BASH BALL? I don’t know. I’m actually legitimately asking. I’d bet ABC producers don’t even know what it is. And they invented it. The only real explanation for it was a chance to allow grown men let out their aggression on a field while being couped up in a bubble for so long. Check out my recap and let me know your thoughts on Hunter and his heel turn this week.

Watch all of our Bachelor recaps (from a guy) on our YouTube channel.


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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