Sunday, February 16, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

What The Hell Did They Do With That Oscars Ending?


If you watched the Oscars tonight (or flipped back and forth between it and Dodgers-Padres like I did), then you’re probably just as confused as I am. This year, for what might be the first year ever, they made Best Picture the third to last award given out followed by Best Actress and concluded with Best Actor. Now, the common man might assume, oh they’re setting this up to end this year’s show by giving a posthumous Oscar to the late great Chadwick Boseman for his role in Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (Netflix).

That would be dope as hell, right? Of course.

Instead, they gave the award to Anthony Hopkins. Who – wait for it – wasn’t even THERE! So there was no acceptance speech. The show just ended. Over. Caput. Done cakes. That was it. If it sounds awkward, that’s because it was. Very. Why did they not end with Best Picture like they have for almost an entire century? WE DON’T KNOW! They ended with an award for a guy who wasn’t even there.

And look, no one outside of two people know who the winners are until the envelopes are opened, so it’s not like anyone knew Anthony Hopkins was going to pull off the upset. (Chadwick Boseman was a heavy favorite to win: -1667 odds with 94.3% implied probability per Action Network) But even if you knew Chadwick was going to win, no one would’ve cared if the show ended with Best Picture. But this way, you set it up to make everyone believe it’s going to end with a touching tribute to Chadwick and then when we don’t get it, everyone’s kinda bummed. It was the biggest bummer of an ending since Cool Runnings, to be honest.

And the worst part is it didn’t need to be.

Anyway, old man Tony Hopkins is gonna be hella confused when he wakes up tomorrow morning to find out he won a damn Oscar. Just like the rest of us are.


Check out the live reaction to the ending from myself and The Cineboiz here:


Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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