Monday, January 20, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Welcome! Thanks!

If you bothered to open this introductory post, then I am going to consider that a standing ovation.  Thank you for such a warm welcome to the Korked Bats family!  I am Kyle ‘Langley’ Langley.  In my biography, you will see that I was a graduate from the University of Tennessee after transferring from the University of Kentucky.  I graduated with a degree in Accounting, so if you are only reading this post to find my writing credentials you will be extremely frustrated by the time I am done.  (Stop here to avoid that feeling).

I hope I am able to provide sports insight while entertaining all of you in the process.  Just so you know what to expect, my writing style is similar to Ralph Waldo Emerson, and my comedic style rivals Joey Gladstone of Full House.  Some say that is a top 5 combination, but I try to stay modest.  Although I am not proud of it, I frequently squeeze jokes into places they do not belong, similar to…I’m looking at you Delonte.  Lastly, I thoroughly enjoy making fun of people that get paid millions of dollars and still can’t perform/stay out of jail.

There you have it.  Kyle ‘Langley’ Langley in a nutshell.  I look forward to writing for everybody and continuing to find reasons to take people less seriously.  I appreciate the standing ovation, but you can sit down now.

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