Friday, February 7, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

VIDEO: The Devil Tries To Return Tom Brady’s Soul

How did Tom Brady get so good? I think we all know.

But we don’t know is just how badly he screwed over the devil. Now, personally, I hate Tom Brady – who doesn’t outside the geographical regions of New England and Tampa? – but I do love to see the devil get screwed over. I mean that guy is a dick. Always trying to lure you into trouble and stuff. It’s like, c’mon devil. Give it a rest already! There’s already enough evil in the world as it is right now. Just go on a long vacation or something. So seeing Brady screw him over was, I guess, the one redeeming thing about him winning his seventh Super Bowl.

This video shows behind the scenes of the deal and how the devil tried to make it right. Or wrong, I guess, because he’s the devil and all.

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Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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