Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

Titans Fans Should Only Watch This Video If They’re In A Safe Place To Adjust Their Pants After

I’ll give you a second to adjust your pants.

I am feeling feelings I didn’t know I could feel. This video encompassed it all. Including Eddie George’s acting ability Shoutout, Julius Cesar.

Titans fans, I’m sure this video made you feel warm inside. Non-Titans fans, I’m sure this video made you want to be a Titans fan. Trust me, I get it. The video was awesome.

Now am I blogging about this video because I’m a massive Titans honk or am I blogging about this video because my BFF from high school directed this video? The answer is yes. I love the Titans more than the Titans love contracting COVID, and my guy Jeff Venable put this thing together. Shout out to him. He crushed it.

From the ominous piano playing, to the Lorenzo Neal appearance, to Vrabel’s coffee mug Jurassic Park scene, to the Eddie/CJ2K cameo, to that bad ass BMX gang.

Everything was perfect (like the Titans right now at the time writing this, shoutout 3-0!).

The cool thing about this video is Jeff is a massive Titans honk as well. He loves the Titans more than the Titans love podcasting on busses. Like me, he grew up going to games and being sad for most of the 2010’s. So the fact that the Titans turned to him to make this video should explain why it’s so damn good. He was deeply invested in it being good. It’s incredible because Jeff probably wanted this video to be more incredible than any other video he’s worked on. And that includes the music video for Jake Owen’s Real Life.

In case you were wondering, the guy at the end asking for more butts was Jeff. Very professional, very talented, and the guy knows what sells.

And in case you were also wondering, yes, that’s racing legend Kevin Harvick.

And yes, in case you were wondering, that was me hugging a moonshine bottle.

For as creative of a city Nashville is, it’s nice to see the Titans finally tapping into that and utilizing it. Because the team will sell itself with wins on the field, but everything else will be sold with things like this. Well done, all around. Consider my fancy tickled.

Again, non-Titans fans, I’m sure you now want to be one. Which I totally understand. And trust me, you’re more than welcome. There’s room on this pedal tavern known as a bandwagon. Hop on. Bring a friend. The only things you need to know is Derrick is king, Lewan is dad, and Will Compton is insanely good looking. The only password you need is: Titan Up.



Austin hosts a country music morning radio show in Chicago after nearly a decade in sports talk radio (The Jim Rome Show, Steve Gorman SPORTS!) Colin Cowherd and Smash Mouth follow him on Twitter and he wears pants every day.


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