Things I Like (This Week): Christopher Nolan
There are few directors in Hollywood who are on as solid of a winning streak as Christopher Nolan. Check this dude’s recent rap sheet:
- Tenet (2020)
- Dunkirk (2017)
- Interstellar (2014)
- The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
- Inception (2010)
- The Dark Knight (2008)
- The Prestige (2006)
- Batman Begins (2005)
My man is on a 15-year hitting streak. Hell, you could even throw Following (1998) and Memento (2000) onto that list. He’s the King Midas of Hollywood, everything he touches turns to gold… as a director, at least.
Recently the trailer for his new movie TENET dropped, and that got me to make Chris Nolan the Thing I Like (This Week).
And in case you’d like to watch the full trailer for TENET, you can do so here: