Monday, January 20, 2025

Korked Bats

That Funny Sports Blog

The Shortest Review We’ll Ever Write; A SPOILER-FREE Review of ‘Barbarian’

Look, I’m gonna make this short and sweet. ‘Barbarian’ is hands-down the most bananas film of 2022. I will resist giving you any specific information and instead, recommend that you go watch the trailer and then (if you’re cool with horror movies) see it. The trailer does show scenes from ‘Barbarian’, but the film is really nothing what the trailer makes it out to be. You’ve just gotta see it knowing as little as you possibly can ahead of time, like I did.

So, without further a-do, the shortest move review we’ve done to date.

Story: Insane

Acting: Solid

Technical Stuff and Direction: Masterful

VERDICT: 4 out of 5 stars. If you can stomach it, you’re in for a bonkers time.

So what do you think? Be sure to holler at us on Twitter (@korkedbats; @thecineboiz) and Instagram (@korkedbats2; @thecineboiz) and let us know how you feel.Also, be sure to follow Korked Bats on YouTube and The Cineboiz on Twitch to catch us live, and subscribe to The CineBoiz Podcast wherever podcasts are found!


Kenny lives in Austin, TX and is one of the co-hosts of the CineBoiz Podcast. When he isn’t talking about or watching movies he can be found kicking it with Mickie the Dog and re-watching the Kansas City Chiefs win Super Bowl 54 for the 25th time.
